Al Hall
Rebuilding the Weight Drive for the 8¼-inch Alvan Clark at Seagrave Memorial Observatory
An Historic 8¼" Alvan Clark Returns to its Former Glory
October 5, 2024: AstroAssembly
Restoring the 16" Group 128 Cassegrain for the University of Connecticut
May 2, 2014: Monthly Meeting
Sketching Mars - Learning to be a better observer
September 8, 2012: Monthly Meeting
Progress Report for the 3/4 Scale Alvan Clark Reproductions
October 1, 2010: AstroAssembly
CAD Modelling the Clark: An Overview of the Telescope’s Mechanical Systems and Personality
October 2, 2009: AstroAssembly
Restoring the Clark Weight Drive Governor
October 4, 2008: AstroAssembly
Tips and Techniques used in the Design & Construction of Twin 16” Cassegrain Telescopes
October 2, 2004: AstroAssembly
White Mountain Astrophotography Expedition
November 1, 2002: Monthly Meeting