One of the most important benefits of joining a prestigious organization like Skyscrapers is learning from a group of veteran amateur astronomers who have been members of the society for 20, 30, 40 and 50 years. Their broad expertise on astronomy, space science and telescope making is unsurpassed in our small corner of the universe.
Member benefits also include:
- Monthly newsletter
- Email notices of special Skyscraper programs or news of late minute astronomical events
- Field trips to observatories, planetariums, museums and other astronomical facilities
- Workshops on CCD imaging
- Loaner telescopes to borrow
- Library to withdraw books
- May apply for observatory keys and training on the society’s telescopes after one year of membership and service to the organization
In conclusion, by becoming a member of Skyscrapers a person can be extremely proud of their role in preserving a unique part of Rhode Island history while enlightening our members and guests on the wonders of the universe.
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