Alex Bergemann Promoted to Eagle Scout
August 2015 :
On Monday, August 24, Skyscrapers hosted an Eagle Scout induction ceremony for member Alex T. Bergemann. It was a wondeful ceremony, with accolades and awards coming from many individuals, including former astronaut Colonel (retired) Sherwood "Woody" Spring who called in to congratulate Alex. Woody also read a congraulatory letter from NASA Administrator Charles Bolden.
Alex was inspired by Woody Spring. Woody grew up in Harmony, RI and often visited Seagrave Observatory which inspired him to reach for the stars.
Alex has accomplished much in his short 15 years. I am proud to have mentored him in astronomy for the past five years. He continues to excel in everything he tries, with the end goal of becoming an astronaut himself. Alex could be the first human to walk on Mars!
This young man has a very promising future ahead of him.
May 28, 2014
To Whom It May Concern,
I have had the pleasure of knowing Alex Bergemann his entire life. However, it wasn’t until he began attending AstroAssembly, an annual convention hosted by Skyscrapers, Inc., that I began to take an interest in this young man who was then only ten years old. He was always willing to assist the Society in any way he could.
But most importantly, I soon learned that he was not only a very bright individual, but also set goals for himself that far exceeded even those of some high school and university students. Alex strove for and achieved academic excellence, and he began taking flying lessons. Coupled with additional activities, including his pursuit of astronomical knowledge, Alex has one main goal in mind…to become an astronaut.
His desire to pursue such a dream led me to sponsor Alex’s membership to Skyscrapers in December 2010. He was voted into membership in January 2011. Since that time I have continued to mentor him in astronomy. He quickly learned how to perform the open and close procedures for Seagrave Memorial Observatory, as well as how to operate the Society’s antique Alvan Clark refractor and locate astronomical objects with that instrument on public observing nights. He has also accompanied me with his telescope when Skyscrapers hosts off-site star parties for school groups, or when school and other civic groups visit Seagrave Observatory. We’ve meteor watched together, and Alex joined my wife and myself for a clouded out sunrise partial solar eclipse last year.
Alex is a special young man who I believe can attain his dreams. And I will do everything I can to support his quest. We need more young people with the motivation I have seen in Alex.
In conclusion, I am proud to see Alex select the Skyscrapers organization to be the beneficiary of his Eagle Scout Project. He is one of the most unselfish people I know. It would be great if we could bottle up Alex’s compassion for others and market it.
I am humbled to play a small part in Alex’s pursuit of his dreams.
David A. Huestis
Skyscrapers, Inc.
The Amateur Astronomical Society of Rhode Island
Alex’s Contributions to Skyscrapers, Inc.
- New Porch, Eagle Scout project that Alex constructed for us.
- Organized boy scouts to clear land of brush.
- Alex also organized a star party and camp over for the boy scouts at Seagrave.
- Has participated in many star parties, both at Seagrave and at other locations.
- Has helped out at Astro Assembly for many years.
- Has helped out at work sessions.
- Frequently assists in our Saturday public nights.
- As Librarian he helped re-organize the Skyscrapers library once it had been downsized.