September 2010
Stellafane Then & Now
Ken SlaterKen Slater is a recently retired Electrical & Software Engineer who has lived in a log home in Chester, VT since retirement (Chester is right next to Stellafane!). A member of the Springfield Telescope Makers since 1998, he is currently a Trustee of the club, the Stellafane Webmaster, and a Mirror Class instructor. He also enjoys hiking and backpacking, and is working to finish hiking the Appalachian Trail in New Hampshire this year.

The “Little Big Dipper”
: By Jim Hendrickson
Stella-this and Stella-that
: By Gerry DyckA Star-Hop that Finally Worked!
: By Craig CortisThe Milky Way
: By Glenn ChapleSky Notes: September 2010
: By Francine JacksonGet Ready to Observe Jupiter
: By Dave HuestisAn Opportunity to Easily Locate Uranus
: By Jim Hendrickson