June 2024

June 2024 President’s message

By Linda Bergemann

It doesn’t seem possible that another month has passed. Here we are at the start of the summer, and many things are happening.

Last Thursday morning, I arrived at Seagrave, as planned, to meet with Dave Huestis. Much to my surprise, the place was abuzz with workers. Bob Janus was mowing the grass around the perimeter of the property with a walking mower; Jim Crawford was atop a ladder working to replace the corner boards on the meeting hall; and Rick Lynch was preparing to mow the grass astride the rider mower. 

Dave and I completed the move of our audio and video equipment to the left front of the meeting hall. This relocation, which began last fall, made space available in the right front cabinet for more library books that Dave has kindly stored in his home. Once the library reorganization is complete, the Lending Library will be open during each monthly meeting for browsing by our members.

While all of this was going on, in came Steve Siok and Jim Brenek, delivering our “new”, used John Deere lawn tractor. With a new battery and full of gas, it was ready to go; except for the rain that began to fall.

On your next visit, you may notice that many of the astronomical posters and artwork are missing from the walls of the meeting hall. We are preparing to paint some of the interior walls in preparation for the addition of a gallery wall to display select astrophotography. Some of the items removed from the walls will be returned for display, other items will be archived.

Oh, I almost forgot. Last Saturday night, the 16-inch Meade was awakened from its long, long winter’s nap, and put into service for our Public Open Night by the team of Matt White, Mark Munkacsy and Steve Siok. 

My thanks go out to the large number of people who work to make the observatory and its equipment available for our use. We have a broad assortment of astronomical equipment just waiting to be put into service. If you would like to be trained to operate any of our telescopes so you can make use of it, please contact me or one of the trustees. 

Until next month...

Warm wishes and clear skies,


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