Astronomical League Update

August 2021  :  Jeff Padell

Dear Skyscrapers, I wanted to give everyone an update on my progress towards the “Open Cluster” award from the 

Astronomical League. You need to observe 100 out of 125 specified open clusters. This can be visually or via imaging. I am working on the imaging award for open clusters. I have now made observations/images of 103 open clusters from the list, more than I need in case I was wrong on a few. I then put them into a free website I created to save astronomical images since the person checking over my work has to look at the images individually.

The link to my images follows so you can see that they don’t have to be great works of art, but just show the cluster. I will now begin to complete the paperwork I am required to provide for each cluster.

 Do you want to get an Award? The Astronomical League has programs for all levels of astronomers from very basic/beginner to advanced amateur. There are programs that are visual but without scopes or binoculars, and there are more complex ones all the way up to radio astronomy.

 A most important award is the Outreach Award. This can be earned by your participation as part of any of Skyscrapers outreach activities. Whether you are operating a telescope as a member of the Observatory Committee, greeting visitors or helping with any aspect of a Skyscraper Star Party or other outreach activities, you can qualify by logging in your hours to provide documentation to AL.

 Among some of the intro programs are:

  • Asterism Observing Program
  • Constellation Hunter Program
  • Lunar Observing Program
  • Meteor Observing Program.

There are full descriptions of each program on the AL website.

Interested in finding something for you? Check out the AL Website for more information. 

 Not an AL member? You can join at any time for $7.50 on the Skyscraper Website.

 If you need some help or guidance, please feel free to contact me by email: