Introduction to Amateur Astronomy Workshop Series at Seagrave Observatory
October 2016
Anyone interested in learning the fascinating hobby of amateur astronomy is invited to come to Seagrave Memorial Observatory, 47 Peep Toad Road, Scituate, RI. Skyscrapers, Inc., the Amateur Astronomical Society of Rhode Island, is offering workshops on topics in astronomy to introduce anyone interested in the fascinating world of amateur astronomy. Also, sky permitting, each program will be followed by observing with the historic 8-inch refracting telescope. All programs begin at 6pm and are free and open to the public.
October 15: Our Nearest Star - The Sun
Astronomy is usually thought to be just a nighttime activity; but, we have one of the most important astronomical objects over our heads each day: The Sun. Our Sun will be especially important as a total solar eclipse will take place next year. Come and hear Brown University Physics Professor and amateur astronomer Ian Dell'Antonio introduce you to this beautiful event.
October 22: Finding Your Place in the Sky - Celestial Coordinate Systems
You’re becoming interested in learning more about the sky, but there seem to be so many new words to learn. What is right ascension? Ecliptic? How do they fit in with the sky?
Steve Siok, an amateur astronomer for over forty years, and president of Skyscrapers, Inc., will put all of the language of the sky together. After taking this workshop, you will be talking astronomy and enjoying it so much more.
October 29: Introduction to the Constellations of Autumn
Have you ever looked up at the night sky, and wondered what stars you were seeing? What constellation patterns are being made overhead? Francine Jackson will introduce you to the skies for this time of year. Using Stellarium, a free astronomical program, you will be introduced to the skies of the season, and also how to find very easy deep-sky objects.
November 5: Backyard Observatories
Did you ever get frustrated with the time and effort to set up a telescope for observing? Skyscraper member Steve Hubbard did, and found that a backyard home observatory was the perfect cure. Ever wondered about having an observatory or your own? Steve will take the mystery away with some practical tips and solutions to help you decide if having a simple, easy to build backyard home for your telescope is for you.
November 12: Monthly Meeting (7pm); Samples from the Moon
November 19: Choosing and Using a Telescope
You’ve always wanted a telescope of your own; or, you’ve gotten one as a gift. Now what? What can I see with it? How do I work with it? Where can I go to learn all about using a telescope to find what is in the sky?
Skyscraper member Jeff Padell will introduce you to the basics of taking your equipment outside and using it to find the beautiful celestial objects waiting to be seen through a telescope. From setting our equipment up, to learning how to find some easy and challenging objects, to care and maintenance of your instrument, Jeff will have you enjoying your new hobby, or learning which telescope is right for you, before the night is over.
December 3: Introduction to Astrophotography
Have you ever looked at a beautiful astronomy image and wondered whether you could come close to taking something as breathtaking as that? Although none of us can compete with those from the Hubble Space Telescope, you can, with very little help, soon be taking astroimages you can be proud of.
Bob Horton and Jim Hendrickson, both members of Skyscrapers, Inc., have been taking incredible images of celestial objects for many years. They will tell you exactly what you need to start, and give you pointers to begin to create your own astrophotos. Come and learn a new and beautiful hobby!
Skyscrapers, Inc., the Amateur Astronomical Society of Rhode Island, is a nonprofit organization begun in 1932 by Brown University Professor Charles Smiley. Its mission is to educate its membership and the public on all matters pertaining to astronomy. For more information concerning the organization, please visit our website atwww.theskyscrapers.org