Dr. Carolin Cardamone
Carie earned her B.A. at Wellesley College in Mathematics and Astronomy, while exploring a wide range of courses in the humanities and social sciences, including significant coursework in Economics. Continuing her study of Astronomy, she received an M.A. from Wesleyan University and her Ph.D. from Yale University. Her astrophysics research on the evolution of galaxies over the history of the Universe concentrates on the connection between the growth of a galaxy’s central black hole and the growth of its stars. She is also actively involved in Citizen Science as a member of the Galaxy Zoo science team (www.galaxyzoo.org). During her dissertation work at Yale University, she was a teaching fellow at the Yale Graduate Teacher Center. Her interest in incorporating results from educational research into the classroom lead to a postdoctoral position at MIT in physics education research. While at MIT, Carie’s education research program focused on statistical techniques of assessment and she worked on integrating technological resources into an introductory physics class, which she helped to reformat from traditional lectures to small group problem-solving sessions. Carie joined the Sheridan Center in 2011 as Associate Director (Life & Physical Sciences), where she assists in running the Teaching Certificate Programs (I & III) and in developing innovative and engaging professional development programs, many of which focus on effective use of technology in the classroom. She works individually with faculty in consultations and through the Teagle Grant program.