Historical Notes: Secretary's Report from the First Meeting of The Skyscrapers

February 2004

Minutes of the meeting, Thursday evening, May 5th. 1932. Ladd Observatory. 8 p.m.

At the invitation of Prof. Charles H. Smiley of Brown University, a group of persons interested in forming an astronomical society, met at the Ladd Observatory. Prof. Smiley acted as temporary chairman.

The following officers were elected:

President. Rev. John G. Crawford.
Vice-President. Mrs. Elizabeth H. Morpeth.
Sec'y.-Treasurer. Maribelle Cormack.

The name of the organization was chosen by vote. It was decided to call it THE SKYSCRAPERS, and to append the phrase, amateur astronomical society of Rhode Island.

The purpose of the organization was defined - to bring together for mutual benefit persons really interested in astronomy, either as teachers, craftsmen or laymen.

The annual dues will be $2.00 payable at the June meeting. There will be no initiation fee.

Meetings will be held once each month, on the first Monday and the first Wednesday, alternately. The next meeting will be on Monday, June 6th. Place to be announced.

Both Brown University and the Park Museum have offered their facilities to the group.

A membership committee was appointed, to pass on new members. Prof. Smiley, Chairman; Mr. Philip G. Newmarker; and Miss Genevieve Fogarty.

Persons desiring membership are requested to send their names and reason for desiring to join the group to the secretary, Miss Cormack, at the Park Museum.

The secretary was instructed to send a notice to the newspapers and editorial page.

The question of sending letters to the heads of departments in science in the high schools was discussed.

Regular members must be over 20.

Associate members under 20 may be admitted by special consent. They will not have power to vote. Dues will be $1.00.

A program committee was appointed. Mrs. E. H. Morpeth, Chairman; Mr. John L. Euart; and Mr. Paul Eberhart.

Members were invited to look through the telescope at Venus and Jupiter.

It was announced that the Observatory would be open early Sunday morning (3.00 A.M.) May 15th. when Saturn will be visible.

The meeting adjourned at 10.30.