David Huestis: A Remembrance
March 2025 :
On October 27, 1985, while browsing through the Sunday Providence Journal newspaper I noticed an article entitled: Halley’s Comet Coming at You. (See Figure 1) After reading the article, I immediately knew that I must see and experience this once in a lifetime event. Knowing nothing about astronomy, I noticed a short column regarding Skyscrapers, the Amateur Astronomical Society of Rhode Island with a contact person- David A Huestis. (See figure 2) I had written a letter to Mr. Huestis, including my name, address and telephone number stating that I would like to see the comet . Dave responded with a handwritten letter on November 24, 1985. (See Figure 3) I also received a telephone call from Mr. Huestis right around this time. Dave stated that he was on his honeymoon, and I was the first caller on his answering machine. I was invited to an open house on December 6th, 1985 at Seagrave Observatory to observe the comet.
When I arrived at Seagrave, the main observatory caught my eye, and I went there first. When I arrived in the anti-room, I was greeted by two ladies. I asked where I can find Dave Huestis. One of the ladies stated in a rather defensive tone- “What do you want with Dave?” I explained the circumstances and she smiled and stated, “I am Tina, his wife, I will take you to him. The other lady was Kathy Siok.
Dave was in the main clubhouse when we were introduced. Dave gave me a tour of the grounds as well as the 8-inch Alvin-Clark Telescope built in Cambridgeport, Mass in 1878. I was incredibly impressed with this telescope as well as the observatory. I immediately signed up, paid my dues, and became a member. I was also amazed at the variety of telescopes on the grounds of Seagrave during the star party. I do not remember if I actually observed the comet that night, however, the telescopes made an impression on me. I asked what is that orange and blue tubed stubby one that folds in half. Dave replied it is a Schmidt-Cassegrain Catadioptric. To this day, this is my favorite telescope design. Dave suggested that I subscribe to Sky & Telescope and Astronomy Magazines so I can learn more about astronomy as well as receive updates on all upcoming astronomical events. Great advice- I immediately subscribed to both magazines.
Dave and I became close friends along with Steve and Kathy Siok and Bill Gusfa. They were all invited to my wedding on June 24, 1990. My wife had plans to move to Florida and I became part of the plan. We relocated and arrived in Tampa on August 3, 1990 then Longboat Key, Sarasota in 1991 where we currently reside. I regained contact with Skyscrapers in January 2002 when the newsletter was posted online on the club’s website. I downloaded each month’s newsletter to follow up on the activities of the organization. I always read Dave Huestis’s well written column. Dave was a gifted writer and continued to write for the newsletter until his wife’s death on June 5, 2021.
When the worldwide shutdown occurred in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, necessity became the mother of invention. Since Skyscrapers could not meet in person at the club house, live- streaming became the means to communicate and hold monthly meetings. Since the meetings continue to be live-streamed, I became a renewed member of Skyscrapers in 2020 and rarely miss a zoom meeting. I even attend Astro-Assembly on a virtual basis. I have since joined local astronomy clubs here in Florida; however, it is a pleasure to once again be a part of my original astronomy club- The Skyscrapers.
I received an email from President Linda Bergmann on January 1, 2025 that Dave Huestis had passed away. I was shocked to hear the sad news. I called Linda and we spoke about what an incredible individual Dave was. He was not only my friend but beloved by everyone at Skyscrapers. Dave lived for the organization having served every position from President to Historian. Dave knew everything about the history of Skyscrapers as culminated in his published book: 75 Years of Skyscraping. (See Figure 4). In closing, Dave and Tina, you will be missed and NEVER forgotten.