Hank Renaud Memorial Book Sale

February 2021  :  Dave Huestis

Late last spring I learned that Henry "Hank" Renaud, a valued member of Skyscrapers, passed away in February 2019. Here is a link to his obituary: 


His wife Sandi reached out to me to donate Hank's collection of Sky and Telescope and Astronomy magazines, as well as a small number of observing books, to Skyscrapers. Out of an abundance of caution due to the COVID-19 pandemic, she didn’t deliver them to me until mid-December, 2020.

Over the course of three weeks I inventoried them and prepared a list of what was donated. There are over 1400 issues of S&T and Astronomy, some copies of The Sky and The Telescope, plus many other publications. Skyscrapers is offering these items for sale to our members. The monies realized from this sale will be recorded as donations in memory of Hank and earmarked for a yet undesignated capital improvement project at the observatory. This action has Sandi’s complete approval.

This offering is initially exclusive to Skyscrapers members for a two-week period beginning with the sending of this notice. After two weeks the offer will be extended to the New England astronomical societies, Two weeks later the offering will be posted on Facebook. So don’t procrastinate on your selections. 

This link (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1sPH-m_lIvTiLNYzMdjpWXo_vpdVCkT41?usp=sharing) will take you to the Skyscrapers Sales posting where you will find several spreadsheets noting the various inventories with suggested donations. Complete years will be offered as such. There is also a small selection of single issues available. In addition, please see the list of books available. Images of the books are included so you can gauge condition. Multiple year purchases of S&T and Astronomy totaling $75 or more will qualify for a 10% discount.

Decide what you want and email me (sales.skyscrapers@gmail.com) with your selection(s). First come, first served. You will be invoiced by Skyscrapers through PayPal. Once payment is received we can arrange pickup.
Since most of our membership is local, you will make an appointment to retrieve your purchased items from my home in Pascoag. We wish to avoid shipping, as multiple years of the magazines are fairly heavy to ship and/or transport to another location. The lists will be updated frequently to reflect stock-on-hand.

As an added bonus, there will be a special auction of the very first issue of Sky and Telescope Magazine, November 1941, Volume 1, Number 1. Opening bid is $15. Bidding begins on February 1 at 12 noon EST and will end at 12 noon on February 8. Place your bid by emailing me. Put AUCTION in the subject line. Each bid will be acknowledged. Bidders will be informed when a higher bid is placed.

Dave Huestis  sales.skyscrapers@gmail.com
Historian/Librarian, Skyscrapers, Inc.