Higher Orbits Go for Launch
October 2019 :
Higher Orbits is bringing their "Go for Launch!" program for all 8th through 12th grade students to Rhode Island on Nov 2nd and 3rd! This event will be held at the Tech Collective located at 188 Valley Street in Providence, Rhode Island.
Go For Launch is a multi-day program (not overnight) that uses space exploration as a platform to launch student involvement in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), STEAM (art), teamwork, communication and leadership.
NASA astronaut Wendy Lawrence along with founder and president of Higher Orbits Michelle Lucas will involve and work with students for two full days of STEM and STEAM activities to have their ideas compete with other students from around the country to have their science project launched to the International Space Station (ISS).
Seven student science projects have already been launched to the ISS aboard SpaceX Falcon 9, Northrop Grumman Antares and Orbital ATK rockets - Rhode Island we're next!
Students (schooled or home-schooled) from all states are invited to register for this event. Students must attend both days which begins at 8 am until 6 pm. Food, snacks, drinks, bottled water and space swag will provided to all registered students!
We'll gladly provide financial assistance to those students that would like to attend but have a financial need.
Please share this information with family, friends, teachers, schools, libraries, local businesses as well as our local and state government agencies so that all students and parents are aware of this exciting opportunity. This is the first time in our state's history that a NASA astronaut along with Michelle Lucas will spend two full days of exciting and inspiring our students in STEM and STEAM.
We're also looking for sponsors to provide scholarships for our students, hotel accommodations and rental cars for both astronaut Wendy Lawrence and Michelle Lucas from November 1-4, as well as caterers/restaurants to provide breakfast, lunch, snacks, drinks and bottled water for the students and staff. So if you know a business that would like to partner with us, please have them contact me and we'd be more than happy to add their logo to our website as well as other incentives depending upon their level of support. We expect to have between 75-100 students attend our event!
Scan the QR Code on the image with your smartphone or visit us at https://tinyurl.com/y2g8ygnn to view our event flyer, brochure and to register your child for this event!
Visit our website home page www.higherorbits.org and watch the short, but informative video created by Michelle Lucas to learn more about our program.
If you'd like to help sponsor a student, you can write a check and mail to:
Higher Orbits
PO Box 4092
Leesburg VA 20177
Or visit our website to make a donation: https://higherorbits.org/donate/
Higher Orbits is an educational non-profit organization. Their EIN number is 46-3550618
If you have any additional questions, please contact Tracy Prell.
This is an very exciting opportunity for our students to work with a NASA astronaut - Lets make it happen!
The remnants of the Lord Sandwich ex HMS Endeavour are believed to be just south of the eastern approach of the Newport Bridge.