June 2023 President’s message

June 2023 President’s message

by Linda Bergemann

One question that puzzles many of us on the Board of Directors is “How do we engage our new members in our activities?”. This requires that we know what you want, and we need you to tell us.

This month, we will make an effort to get to know our members better, by holding two events focused on our members.

Our July meeting (on July 8) will be preceded by an old-fashioned Ham and Bean Supper, with a potluck component. This is intended to be a casual time for us to dine together and get to know each other. We are hoping to have a large and convivial gathering, with more “new” people than “old-timers”. The food should be good, and the fellowship even better.

Also on the 8th, we will be offering some of the surplus equipment that we have gathered through the years to our members for a very reasonable donation to Skyscrapers. The Trustees and their helpers have rescued a variety of nice telescopes and lots of accessories from the dark corners of the observatory, which must go. Providing the weather cooperates, we will have these items out for display and adoption.

Then, on Saturday, July 15, we will have our first monthly Star Party. Our goal is to gather our members together for an evening of observing and sharing. The observatory telescopes (Clark, Meade 12’ and Meade 16”) will not be open for observing. At least one of our portable telescopes will be out for use. We expect you to bring and use your own telescope, and, perhaps, share images with others. To make this more fun, we are preparing some challenge objects for you to find and observe. If you are just getting started, someone will be available to assist you. And, if you don’t have your own telescope, contact me (lbergemann@aol.com) and I will arrange for a telescope you can use. 

We will have name badges available for everyone to wear at these events. Please put one on to help us remember who you are.

See you there!