June 2014 President's Message
by Bob Horton
Last month I spoke of goals for our organization, including making improvements to both our public outreach programs and activities for our membership to enjoy. Already we have some news to report…
Public Outreach:
Just recently, Skyscrapers celebrated International Astronomy Day by hosting an afternoon and evening program of talks geared towards novices, and conducting tours of our facilities. Many of those attending were visiting Seagrave Observatory for their first time. Prof. Pete Schultz was our guest speaker for the evening, and his talk was entitled “My Moon”, in which he provided the audience with a geologist’s tour of the moon’s varied landscape, showing many wonderful images. Prof. Schultz also brought along an incredible 8 x 8 foot photo of the moon, assembled from NASA images taken by LRO. The lunar detail in this giant photo was truly remarkable. With the photo displayed across three tables at the back of the meeting hall, guests were able to gather around, with Prof Schultz pointing out various features with a laser pointer.
I believe that Skyscrapers participated in Astronomy Day years ago, but it has certainly been some time since we have done this. The response from those attending this year seemed quite enthusiastic. Even with limited advertising, we had about 50 people attending. This is even more remarkable when you consider that both the day and evening was cloudy with on and off showers. The original plan was to have telescopic viewing, but even the fickle nature of New England weather could not dampen the spirit of those attending this fine program.
I would like to thank Conrad Cardano, Chair of Astronomy Day, and all of the other volunteers who worked together to make this event happen.
Membership Activities:
Pat Landers has been busy planning some Member's Nights for Skyscrapers, and it is hoped many of you will join in. Plan on setting up your own telescope, or simply enjoy observing through the society’s telescopes. This is a great time to meet and socialize with fellow members, and especially for beginners, an opportunity to learn more about using telescopes and finding objects to observe. The next Member’s Night is scheduled for Friday, May 30th, with more to follow. Look for announcements in future newsletters.
Back in March, about two dozen members spent the day visiting the Springfield Science Center and Wilder Observatory. That was a really fun day, and now we have another great event to look forward to.
Steve Siok has been busy organizing an opportunity for us to visit the historic instrument collection at Harvard University on the summer solstice, Saturday, June 21st. This will be a lot of fun, and if you are interested in going you will find more information in this issue of the Skyscraper.
If you have ideas for activities you think we can all enjoy and benefit from, please consider sharing your ideas at any Board of Directors meetings, which all members are invited to attend.