May 2023 President’s message

May 2023 President’s message

by Linda Bergemann

Last month, I addressed our accomplishments over the past year. This month, I will look forward to the next year.

On the horizon for the coming months is activation of our Radio JOVE radio telescope. With it, you will be able to observe natural radio emissions from Jupiter, the Sun, the Earth, and the radio background noise from our Milky Way galaxy at "decametric" wavelengths. Contact Ed Walsh or Bob Janus, leads on this project, for more information, or visit

The Trustees are proceeding from building to building to identify equipment that can be surplussed. They have decided to offer for sale about eight of the many telescopes that have been donated to us. Once the Executive Board has authorized the disposal, these telescopes will be offered to members first.

Plans for AstroAssembly 2023, September 29 & 30, are underway. Bob Horton has commitments from several speakers, and the schedule is taking form. There is much more to do to plan the details for this annual fundraiser. Please contact Bob Horton if you have ideas to contribute.

Michael Corvese and the Program Committee continue to support outreach activities. And, with Steve Siok’s help, Seagrave has been open every Saturday that the weather has cooperated. They continue to work on a basic astronomy program targeted at youth. Also in the works are field trips to nearby observatories. Contact Michael if you have suggestions for members’ activities.

Lastly, at our May meeting, we will introduce our proposed budget for the coming year. I am a month late with this because the sum of requests were more than we were prepared to spend. Some projects will be split over two or Three years. This year’s budget reflects an increase in spending of about $3,500 over last year. Projects planned for this year include moving our “free” website to a new host and upgrading its security; replacing one of the A/C units in the meeting hall; painting the interior of the meeting hall and adding an astrophotography gallery; and purchasing a dedicated tent and display system for showcasing astrophotography by our members during AstroAssembly and at other outdoor events.

I am proud to be a member of Skyscrapers. I hope you are too.

Clear skies,
