President's Message November 2012

President's Message November 2012

by Ed Haskell

This Letter will be briefer than usual as I am preparing for Hurricane Sandy just as most of you must be. Weather has a profound effect on our pursuit of astronomical interests and, so it seems, occasionally has more down to earth consequences as well.

Before signing off to batten down the hatches here there are a couple of benefits of your Society membership of which you may not be aware:

We own a number of telescopes of different sizes, sophistication, and quality which are available for loan to members. If you do not own a telescope but wish you had access to own sometimes, or if you do own a scope but would like to try out other types and sizes, then you should converse with one of the Trustees about the procedure for borrowing an instrument.

The Society has a fairly large library of astronomy related books and other media which is available to the membership. In addition to the obvious value as a reference resource these volumes can be helpful in letting you study a title carefully before spending limited astronomy funds on your own copy. Alex Bergemann is the librarian and will be happy to assist you.

That's all for now, more next month. Keep safe and dry the next few days.

Thanks for all you do for Skyscrapers.