July 30 Observing

July 30 Observing

by Tom Thibault


Public Viewing Night - July 30th
Open - 9:00, Close - 11:00
Public Attendance - 25-30 people
Observing Committee Members attending
Conrad Cardano - 16" Meade
Tom Thibault - 12" Meade
Jim Brenek - Patton
Tom Barbish - Helper
Bob Napier - Helper
New Moon made for a very dark sky, no clouds and seeing was excellent.
Targets were M13, M27, M57, M81, M82, M92, Lyra's Dbl. Dbl., Alberio.
4-5 Shooting Stars were seen overhead which pleased the public attending, in fact to youngsters laid on the 12" Meade floor trying to see more for awhile. The skies were dark enough that the Milky Way could be seen running from SW to NE. Spent a good amount of time pointing out constellations and informing the group on how to locate Polaris and the rotation of the constellation around it.
Great night, lots of fun.