Waxing Crescent Moon & ISS Flyover
by Jim Hendrickson
The typical Saturday weather pattern of unsettled and clouds gave way to a non-typical clearing with transparency apporaching the best possible condition. Bill Gucfa nd Jim Hendrickson arrived before darkness, both with cameras and tripods, to take photos of a favorabl pass of the International Space Station.
The sky darkened as a beautiful crescent Moon with Earthshine settled into the trees in the west. The temperature was stable in the low 70s with low humidity, and a barely noticeable breeze. Peeptoad Pond was active with a chorus of bullfrogs, and once again the fireflies were quite active.
The Space Station approached from the southwest, passing over Saturn and fading out just east of the claws of Scorpius in a favorable -2.8 magnitude pass. Dave Dixon arrived just as the Space Station was beginning to pass over and Bob Napier arrived as Bill and Jim were reviewing the photos taken.
Scorpius and the summer Milky Way rose into prominence and presented a fine naked-eye view under excellent transparency.
We stayed until about 23:30 and no other members or guests arrived.