Cub Scouts: Pack 1 Manville
by Bob Forgiel & Dave Huestis
Sunset 7:00pm / new moon on the 22nd
Presentation Starting time of 6:45 and viewing after 7:45
The night was clear even though the forecast indicated it would become cloudy later that night. The temps were unseasonably warm and mosquitoes and mayflies were already out. One of the scouts received a bee sting on his leg during the night so it was warm enough during the night for even the bees to be a little active. Dave and Alex covered the Clark while Conrad, John L and Jim C had the two 12” scopes out back open. Jim H also had one of his scopes and I had the 12” dob and binocular table setup for them to try themselves. The group never got back to us with an approximate number but there were around 7 scouts and 5 adults so the group wasn’t too large.
Bob F.
Jim C
Jim H.
Dave H
John L
Wednesday, March 21: It was a beautiful, warm evening for this group of scouts who were earning their belt loops I believe. Alex helped me up in the Clark dome. We arrived early so Alex could take me through the opening procedures. Once we got everything open Alex acquired Venus. It was very bright, but we could easily see that Venus was half illuminated. Initially Jupiter was behind one of our western trees.
The scouts got a good look at Venus, then also observed Jupiter and his four moons as well as mighty Jove moved a little further north of the tree as it was descending towards the WNW horizon and was clearly visible through a V-shaped opening between the trees.
Ganymede and Europa were on one side of Jupiter, while Io and Callisto were on the other. In a short period of time one could see Io moving closer to Jupiter’s disk.
Later we swung around to Mars. The image size was quite respectable, enough to see some surface markings and the north polar cap.