Astronomy Day, Star Party & Comet PanSTARRS on a partly cloudy night
by Steve Siok, Jim Crawford, Dave Huestis & Jim Hendrickson
I want to thank all of you for helping out tonight with Donna’s School group. Although the sky did not cooperate very much they all said the children had a great time. There was a total of 46 people in attendance from the school. There was also a family of eight as well as a small group of girl scouts. I am sure we had over 60 people total tonight.
Steve Siok
It was fun and the group seemed to have a good time. From the comments I heard I'm sure we will have many returning in the future when the skies are clearer.
Tom Thibault
Observatory Log for Patton:
Yes had a great time and I must add that the kids where well behaved in and around the roll offs. The early birds did get to see a few minutes of Jupiter in and out of the clouds and as it set between the west side trees. The Patton was trained on the moon for the rest of our viewing session using my 32mm plossl. I must say that the clouds made deep sky difficult but the moon viewing was really not that bad. Due to the upper high winds the moon didn't stay hidden for long. Many came back to the Patton for second and in some cases third looks. All in all I think even with the cloud cover it went extremely well. I asked one young girl how many came from her school and she said around 18-19 kids. Plus we had many parents, siblings and the public night shows. It appeared that we had anywhere from 60-70 attendees.
Report submitted by Jim Crawford