Starry, Starry Nite at Chase Farm: August 2022
by Francine Jackson
The Annual Starry, Starry Night took place Thursday, August 25th, at Chase Farm, Lincoln, a former dairy farm now owned by the Town of Lincoln, and maintained by the Friends of Hearthside. Kathy Hartley, Friends president, is the granddaughter of the original owner.
Present this evening were Francine Jackson, Jim Hendrickson, Bob Janus, Ron Zincone and Mark Munkacsy, all of whom brought their portable telescopes. After a 30-minute PowerPoint introduction to the August Sky by Francine, all the attendees were ready to run up the hill to the telescopes. Once there, we noticed there was a sixth instrument set up. Apparently a couple had come to the previous year's program, and were inspired to buy their own telescope. As they weren't sure how to successfully use it, Jim spent time helping to set it up and aim it properly. With all the instruments present, the 40 attendees enjoyed views of Saturn, Albireo, M11, Mizar and Alcor, and the Coathanger. After we were breaking our scopes down, Jupiter was rising through the trees, and Ron gave us, plus Kathy and her staff, our first seasonal view of it.
Of all the nights the program had been done, the sky was the clearest, and everyone was happy to have come. Kathy announced that there was such a long waiting list, that she'd like to offer two nights next year. We all agreed to return for them.