October 2023 President’s message

October 2023 President’s message

by Linda Bergemann

Please join me in thanking all of the members of Skyscrapers who helped to make AstroAseembly 2023 a success.

In spite of the rain and mud, I think I can say that everyone enjoyed themselves. Everyone I have spokjen with enjoyed the speakers, the food and the friendship. If you were unable to attend, videos of the talks with be posted on our YouTube channel after editing.

Special thanks to Bob Horton, 2nd VP, for laying the foundation for AstroAssembly way back in the winter months, and to Kathy Siok for grabbing the baton and running to the finish line. 

I hope that I haven't missed anyone, but the following people made this year's AstroAssembly happen:

Kathy Babcock
Jim Brenek
Steve & Maria Brown
Russ Chaplis
Katie Chippendale
Michael Corvese
Tony Costanzo
Jim Crawford
Rich Doherty
Dan Fountain
Jim Hendrickson
Bob Horton
Steve Hubbard
Sue Hubbard
Dave Huestis
Kerry & Linda Hurd
Francine Jackson
Bob Janus
John Kocur
Steve LaFlamme
Laura Landen
Rick Lynch
Mercedes Rivero-Hudec
Kathy & Steve Siok
Denise & David Turco
Scott Tracy
Ed Walsh
Ronald Zincone

Mark your calendar for next year, the first Friday/Saturday in October. Planning for next year will begin after the first of the new year. Please consider raising your hand to be part of our planning team, so we can improve on this year's succes.

My thanks to all, volunteers and attendees.