President's Message March 2016

President's Message March 2016

by Bob Horton

Our March meeting marks the start of the nominating process to choose new officers, members at large, and a trustee.

The Nominating Committee, chaired by Ed Haskell, has spent the last couple of months looking for members interested in taking on the responsibilities of running our Society in the coming year. If you are personally interested in being considered for any office, or would like to nominate someone else, please contact Ed at haskell.ed@gmail.comt as soon as possible. 

At the March meeting, the Nominating Committee will be presenting their 

recommended slate of nominees for the elections, which will be held at the Annual Meeting in April. Any member in good standing and over 18 years of age may run for office. After the Nominating Committee presents their nominees, the floor will be open for anyone to be nominated by another member. Once all nominations have been made, the nomination process will be closed and the names of candidates will be listed on a ballot that will be mailed to every member in good standing, at least 10 days before the Annual Meeting in April. 

March also marks the time that the Board of Directors submits an operating budget to the membership for approval. This budget will be introduced under New Business, and we will explain the various categories of expenditures and income. A discussion and vote on the budget will happen under Old Business at the April meeting.

I hope to see all of you at the March meeting.

Clear Skies, 

Bob Horton