Scott MacNeill
Scott MacNeill is the current Director of the Frosty Drew Observatory and Science Center. Scott develops all Frosty Drew campus and telescope automation, remote presentation frameworks, the frostydrew.org website, and writes about astronomy, including a weekly newsletter on astronomical happenings for the Frosty Drew community. At Brown University’s Ladd Observatory Scott performs the duties of Assistant Astronomer and operates telescopes, supervises student staff, writes astronomy imaging lab manuals, and presents the night sky to visitors. In 2020, Scott took on the role of Astronomy Labs professor at Bryant University, and is a partner in the Rhode Island Sidewalk Astronomers. He is a professional Systems and Software Engineer with roots in the open source community. In addition, Scott serves as the current CEO and Chairs the Frosty Drew Memorial Fund Board of Directors, and is a periodic astronomy correspondent to NPR, WJAR, and The Weather Channel.