Skyscrapers in Paradise- Part II
January 2025 :
Greg Shanos became a member of Skycrapers back in 1985 when he read Dave Huestis’s article in the Providence Journal entitled: Comet Halley Coming at You. Then in 1990 Greg married and relocated to Sarasota, Florida. During the great COVID-19 shutdown in the spring of 2020, Greg renewed his membership and rejoined Skyscrapers virtually via Zoom. Greg rarely misses a Skyscraper meeting and also attends Astro assembly on a virtual basis.
In 2023 Greg met the current Vice President Michael Corvese on January 20, 2023 at a restaurant in nearby Punta Gorda, Florida. See The Skyscraper newsletter vol. 50 no. 2 February 2023 issue page 11. Mike vacations in Florida and stays with fellow Skyscraper member Anthony Costanzo who has a condominium in Port Charlotte. Mike informed me that Tony has a weekly zoom meeting on Wednesday afternoons at 1:00pm where various astronomical topics are discussed. Everyone is invited to attend at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8842920087#success
I attended one of Tony’s zoom get togethers and since then I rarely miss a meeting. Tony Costanzo is proprietor of the Astronomy-Shoppe (https://astronomy-shoppe-com) where he repairs all makes of telescopes. Tony frequently discusses his telescope repairs during the weekly meetings. Since Meade is out of business I now know someone who could repair my telescope if needed in the future. Through Tony’s zoom meetings I was introduced to some very influential amateur astronomers throughout the country. One of the regular attendees Daniel Dannenhauer asked if I would speak at this local astronomy club- the Southwest Florida Astronomical Society in Ft Myers. I was delighted and honored to speak at his club. Dan scheduled a time and date for me to speak on December 5, 2024 at 7pm at the Calusa Planetarium and Nature Center (https://www.calusanature.org). Ft Myers is approximately 90 miles from Sarasota and a two hour drive one way with traffic. I met Dan and Tony for the first time in person at a Buffalo Wings restaurant in Ft Myers which is only a five minute drive to the Planetarium. We had a wonderful time conversing and getting to know each other. Dan was kind enough to pay our meal (my wife was also in attendance). Thank you very much Dan.
When I arrived at the planetarium I was really impressed with their telescopes, displays and meteorite collection. The centerpiece was a 126 pound Campo del Cielo iron meteorite. Tony and I had a photo taken with this meteorite.
My presentation was entitled: The Smart Scope Revolution: Introducing the Seestar S50. Unfortunately there were technical difficulties and the presentation was not live-streamed or recorded. Therefore only 21 individuals who were present in the planetarium heard the presentation. Despite these difficulties the evening was an overall success.
I encourage any Skyscraper member that is on the Western Gulf Coast of Florida to contact me if they are planning a trip in the area. My email is gshanos@aol.com Hope to see you soon.
Greg Shanos lecturing on Smart Telescopes to the Southwest Florida Astronomical Society
Tony Costanzo (left) & Greg Shanos (center) with a 126 lb Camp del Cielo iron meteorite at the Calusa Planetarium and Nature Center