Vivian Hartnett Remembered
June 2006 :
It is with great sadness I must inform you of the passing of a dear long-time member, Vivian Hartnett. Viv joined Skyscrapers back in May, 1974, but I believe her husband may have been a member prior to that. She continued to attend meetings until she could no longer drive. During the last few years, Viv had once again become a frequent visitor at our monthly meetings, thanks to the generosity of Kay Peterson.
She loved Skyscrapers, and many of us loved her. She was a kind and gentle lady, who always had a good word for everyone. Believe it or not, words fail me during this time of sorrow.
I feel like I've lost a close member of the family, for in Viv I saw the endearing qualities I often associated with my grandmother Huestis. We'll miss Vivian very much.
Dave Huestis
Skyscrapers President
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I don’t really remember when I first met her, or how we first met. It seems like we’ve just always known each other. For me, Vivian was the Matriarch of the Society – a quiet and unassuming woman, with always a kind word for everyone and a warm smile on her face. She really enjoyed coming to the meetings, listening to the speakers, and spending time with all of her friends. I feel fortunate that at Vivian’s last meeting I had the pleasure to sit next to her – we had a very nice conversation; never did I think that it would be our last!
Vivian, you will be forever remembered and sorely missed! The secrets of the universe will no longer be hidden from you … enjoy them!
Your Friend,
Dan Lorraine
Skyscrapers Past President
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."
Carl Sagan
Vivian with astronaut Story Musgrave at AstroAssembly 2005.
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