September 2007
The Evolution of the Martian Surface Environment Over Time: The Role of Water and Ice
Caleb FassettCaleb will be talking generally about how we use remote tools such as orbiting instruments to understand the geology of Mars. Of particular interest is how ice and water have played a significant roles in eroding and altering the surface of Mars, highlighting his recent work with Jim Head at Brown University, and what current missions are revealing.
Historical Film Footage of Skyscrapers Activities
Dave Huestis75 Years of Skyscrapers
Gerry DyckMy Year-long Project Converting a Dobsonian into a Next Generation Robotic Telescope
Todd KozikowskiThe Moon: Dead or Alive
Peter SchultzSearching for a Nova Using a Digital CCD Camera
Mike MatteiFrom Moths to Mars: Leopold Trouvelot's Contributions to Astronomy
Jan HermanRelated Links
Life After Liftoff? A Lively and Humorous Presentation about the Astronaut's Space Suits
Donald Rethke
Skyscrapers Visit America's Stonehenge

Pre-AstroAssembly Work Parties