Gerry Dyck

Building my Merry-Go-Round Observatory
Observe Delta Cephei

Stella-this and Stella-that

Reflections on Three Decades of Variable Star Observing

Just Another Planet Book?
August 4, 2012: Monthly Meeting
Stella-this and Stella-that
June 9, 2012: Monthly Meeting
Chasing the Shrine of the Sun (May 20 annular eclipse)
February 3, 2012: Monthly Meeting
The Poet and the Sky
November 4, 2011: Monthly Meeting
AAVSO Centennial & Variable Star Introduction
September 30, 2011: AstroAssembly
The Variable Star Observations of Frank E. Seagrave
January 8, 2010: Monthly Meeting
My Backyard Connection to the Universe
October 4, 2008: AstroAssembly
Three Views of the Planets
June 6, 2008: Monthly Meeting
Astronomical Motifs in South-East Asian Bronze Drums
January 4, 2008: Monthly Meeting
3D Astronomy Presentation
December 1, 2007: Monthly Meeting
Recitation of “A Child’s Christmas in Wales” by Dylan Thomas
September 28, 2007: AstroAssembly
75 Years of Skyscrapers
May 5, 2007: Monthly Meeting
Skyscrapers at 75
September 30, 2006: AstroAssembly
Making Your Solar Observations Count
September 1, 2006: Monthly Meeting
Astronomy Set to Music
January 6, 2006: Monthly Meeting
Backyard Astronomy, OM Mitchel, Great Moments in Astronomy
May 7, 1999: Monthly Meeting
Observing and Photographing the Sun
September 5, 1997: Monthly Meeting
Variable Star Observing
January 5, 1996: Monthly Meeting
Slide show
October 2, 1992: AstroAssembly
Cloudy Night Astronomy - the Outburst History of SS Cygni
September 29, 1990: AstroAssembly
A 3-D Travelogue to Selected Astronomical Sites in England and Belgium
September 29, 1989: AstroAssembly
Cloudy Nights with SS Cygni
September 29, 1989: AstroAssembly
Copernicus - Participatory Musical Event
August 11, 1989: Monthly Meeting
Members Show & Tell
November 4, 1988: Monthly Meeting
Observing Variable Stars
October 1, 1988: Monthly Meeting
Through the Eyes of Robert Frost
March 3, 1988: AstroAssembly
An Astro-Musical Montage
September 26, 1987: AstroAssembly
Musical Performance by the Skyscraper Players
September 4, 1987: Monthly Meeting
How Telemetry Works
October 4, 1986: AstroAssembly
Musical Performance by the Skyscraper Players
April 4, 1986: Monthly Meeting
Charles Messier and his Famous List
October 5, 1985: AstroAssembly
Some Useful Formulas (An Atari Safari)
July 5, 1985: Monthly Meeting
Home Computer Program for Variable Star Observation
February 1, 1985: Monthly Meeting
A Strategy for Observing variable Stars
October 6, 1984: AstroAssembly
Building a Merry-Go-Round Observatory
September 9, 1983: Monthly Meeting
South by Southwest: A Trip to the Starbelt
February 4, 1983: Monthly Meeting
A Movable Observatory Project
October 3, 1981: AstroAssembly
Starlight and Streetlights
September 4, 1981: Monthly Meeting
Astronomy Day Slide Presentation & Recent Lunar Eclipse