August 2009
Member Presentations
Bob ForgielThe August monthly meeting will feature informal talks by Skyscrapers’ members. Several members have requested that monthly speakers include more practical “amateur” astronomy level talks that they can directly relate to and learn from. We have three talks of about 20 minutes each:
- Dick Parker - Chiefland Astronomy Village Observing Site In Florida
- Craig Cortis - The Summer Milky Way Points of Interest
- Bob Forgiel - Astro-Imaging Equipment and Procedures
Member Presentations
Dick ParkerThe August monthly meeting will feature informal talks by Skyscrapers’ members. Several members have requested that monthly speakers include more practical “amateur” astronomy level talks that they can directly relate to and learn from. We have three talks of about 20 minutes each:
- Dick Parker - Chiefland Astronomy Village Observing Site In Florida
- Craig Cortis - The Summer Milky Way Points of Interest
- Bob Forgiel - Astro-Imaging Equipment and Procedures
Member Presentations
Craig CortisThe August monthly meeting will feature informal talks by Skyscrapers’ members. Several members have requested that monthly speakers include more practical “amateur” astronomy level talks that they can directly relate to and learn from. We have three talks of about 20 minutes each:
- Dick Parker - Chiefland Astronomy Village Observing Site In Florida
- Craig Cortis - The Summer Milky Way Points of Interest
- Bob Forgiel - Astro-Imaging Equipment and Procedures
Rebuilding the Weight Drive for the 8¼-inch Alvan Clark at Seagrave Memorial Observatory
: By Al HallChaple’s Arc
: By Glenn Chaple
The Heart of our Milky Way Galaxy
: By Craig CortisThe Perseid Meteor Shower of August
: By Dave Huestis