September 2014
The Lost Villages of Frank Seagrave’s Scituate and Building of the Reservoir
Ray WolfThe 100th Anniversary of Seagrave Observatory
Dave HuestisPoster Session Begins
Please contact Steve Siok ( to present
The Korkosz Brothers and Their Amazing Starball
Richard SandersonSearching for Earth 2.0 and Cosmological Fossils with the Giant Magellan Telescope
Andrew SzentgyorgyiA Retrospective of the Science of Astronomy in 1914
Owen GingerichReception
(Hors d’oeuvres and soft drinks served)
Lunch at the Skyscraper Grille
Evening Banquet
(Pre-registration required)
Words of Welcome, Awards, Raffle Drawing
Special Presentation

International Observe the Moon Night 2014

Star Party Report

Seagrave Memorial Observatory Centennial (1914-2014)
: By Dave Huestis