in Memory of Michael Ambrose
August 2020 :
To all Skyscrapers,
I am deeply saddened to have learned of the sudden passing of our member, Michael Ambrose. Michael is the father of our junior member, Weston Ambrose. Michael and Weston attended many meetings, observing sessions and AstroAssemblies. Weston always brought a telescope to the observatory. He is also our assistant Librarian. Michael was an avid photographer and he was also interested in cacti and succulents. When he spent time in the desert Southwest he loved photographing the desert landscape with the night sky as a backdrop. He will be sadly missed.
I extend Skyscrapers’ deepest sympathy to Weston, his mom, his older brother and to Michael’s partner, Gordon. I will let all of you know about Michael’s obituary and other information as it becomes available.
Respectfully, Steve Siok