Steve Siok

Lets All Observe Neptune’s First Year Anniversary
May 2, 2014: Monthly Meeting
Examination of the 1856 Edition of Burritt’s Star Atlas
September 8, 2012: Monthly Meeting
A Novel Way to Discover Variable Stars
February 2, 2001: Monthly Meeting
Stellar Evolution
June 2, 2000: Monthly Meeting
Roundtable discussion on comets
November 5, 1993: Monthly Meeting
A Tour of Hopkins Observatory at Williams College
September 6, 1991: Monthly Meeting
Astro Assembly: Past, Present and Future
July 6, 1990: Monthly Meeting
Astronomical Coordinate Systems
March 3, 1989: Monthly Meeting
Eyepiece Fundamentals
November 1, 1985: Monthly Meeting
How Bright, How Big, How Far Away
July 3, 1981: Monthly Meeting
Astronomical Arizona
October 7, 1978: AstroAssembly
A Visit to Yerkes Observatory and the Adler Planetarium
August 11, 1978: Monthly Meeting
Tour of the Wisconsin Astronomical League Meeting
May 5, 1978: Monthly Meeting
The Problicom
April 1, 1977: Monthly Meeting
December 5, 1975: Monthly Meeting
Use of Setting Circles
October 4, 1975: AstroAssembly
Degenerate Stars

Astronomy Day, Star Party & Comet PanSTARRS on a partly cloudy night

John Eunis' class from school

International Observe the Moon Night