January 2022 President’s message

January 2022 President’s message

by Steve Siok

Happy New Year everyone!

I was hoping we would be done with masks and Zoom by now. I was hoping we would have our meetings in person and we could all rekindle our friendships and share old stories and observing memories. But it cannot happen just yet. The e-board decided our first two meetings of 2022 will be on Zoom. The good news is that we now have a process in place so we can hold our winter meetings even if there is a snowstorm. 

As I think about 2021 I recognize it went relatively well for Skyscrapers. Our Zoom meetings were successful. We usually saw attendance comparable to our in person meetings at Seagrave. And we got to hear speakers from across the country and around the world, like John Briggs and Steve O’Meara. All the publicity from Facebook and Night Sky Network has increased our membership since the pandemic began by 40 percent. Financially we are in very good shape. A big thank you to everyone who made donations, both in money and in things. The Trustees have been very busy with repairs. I would say the buildings and scopes are in great condition.

This year of 2022 can be an even better year for us. Our first two meetings will be via Zoom so please attend if you can. Also starting this month our members Michael Corvese and Conrad Cardano will be conducting multiday workshops, starting on Zoom. Michael will begin his workshop on lunar observing  on Jan. 10 at 7PM. Conrad will begin his workshop on astrophotography on Jan. 15 at 7PM. You need to sign up so please do so. Linda has sent an e-mail describing both events. Also our member Greg Shanos has alerted us that the Kalamazoo Astronomical Society is offering its Introduction to Amateur Astronomy five part workshop which starts on Jan. 15 at 1PM. If you are a new member of Skyscrapers I strongly suggest you sign up and participate.

We are once again going to try open nights. Last year was terrible for clear Saturday nights. But January. 15 and 29 are our next attempts. There are scout groups attending so please consider helping out.

I hope all of you take advantage of our activities. And keep trying to observe on your own. Stay safe and keep looking up. 

Wishing you clear skies.
