January 2025 President’s message

January 2025 President’s message

by Linda Bergemann

It’s the middle of Christmas week and I am trying to think of a topic to write about. Rattling around in my head are new members (three this month), cold and cloudy weather on Saturday nights, and messages that we get from people inquiring about celestial events. All relate to outreach to our members and the community.

Most are aware that we open Seagrave Memorial Observatory for observing on Saturday nights, weather permitting. Some are aware that we have individuals with telescopes who share the night sky with visitors at remote sites like parks, schools and libraries. We typically have more requests for off-site activities than we are able to satisfy. It saddens me when I have to tell someone that we can’t meet their desire to learn more about astronomy. 

This is where you come in. I know, you are thinking “I’m a beginner myself; I don’t much”. But, you know much more about astronomy than the Average Joe on the street! You know more than an elementary school student.

Right now, I have a request from Harmony Library in Glocester, RI for a short Moon program aimed at elementary age kids. We need someone able to answer their questions and provide some hands-on learning activities. And, maybe, give them a glimpse of a crescent moon through a small telescope. We must have an elementary school teacher in our midst who could do this! Skyscrapers can provide any materials needed. Please consider stepping forward so we can plan this event for an evening in February. I await your call/email.

Happy New Year,