November 2024 President’s message
by Linda Bergemann
During the month of October there was a flurry of astronomical activity. Many questions and lots of excitement about aurora and comets. I hope that you were able to get at least a glimpse of both.
In the midst of this activity, some of our members promoted gathering to observe the events at various locations around the state. And, gather they did. I saw pictures of the comet take from Fort Getty in Jamestown; Beavertail, also in Jamestown; and from the roof of Brown University’s physics building. I shared many of the photos on our Facebook page. Let’s keep this going.
Last year, I created a Message Group for Skyscrapers on the Night Sky Network named “Star Parties.” Members of that group can email the other members of that group. Membership in that group is open to all members of Skyscrapers; you can add or remove yourself at any time. There are currently 22 members. So, if you are motivated to observe some night, and would like company, just blast out an email to invite other like-minded members to join you. And, have a great night!
If you need assistance accessing the Night Sky Network or joining the message group - give me a call.
Warm wishes and clear skies,