Moonrise on the Seekonk: October 2023
by Francine Jackson
Five Skyscrapers, Jim Hendrickson, Ron Zincone, Michael Corvese, Fred Sammartino and Francine Jackson, and Peter, who had joined us several times wih his binoculars, set up equipment for the annual Moonrise on the Seekonk on Saturday, October 28. With a background of local music and pizza, over 50 people were thrilled to see the Moon “up close,” as many had never looked through a telescope.
Organized by Rick Richards, this annual event, at the Narragansett Boat Club, always has an enthusiastic audience, with dancing, singing, and the anticipation of watching the Moon show up across the Seekonk River. And no one was disappointed. With an almost cloudless sky, the Moon arrived to the enjoyment of the crowd.
Although Jackson kept her telescope at the Moon throughout the time, others moved to Saturn, the Pleiades, and Jupiter, which they watched come up soon after the Moon. Also in the crowd was another Skyscraper, Christine Sherman, who had come for her second moonrise celebration.
This is proving to be one of the more enjoyable star nights, and we’ve been asked, and promise to return in 2024.