Winman School November 2023
by Francine Jackson
November 3rd was the annual Lantern Night at Warwick’s Winman School, and Bob Janus, Jim Hendrickson and Francine Jackson were there as one of its many stops. The school had several activities for students and their families, including night walks, escape rooms, music, and sky observing on the hill behind the school. Although the school’s lights were on, we were able to use the telescopes, as we concentrated on two planets and a double star. Groups of about 20 persons came in at 20-minute intervals, so there was very little wait time to see Jupiter, Saturn, and the double star Alcor and Mizar through the telescopes. Many had never looked through a telescope before, and they were thrilled to see that Saturn’s rings could be so easily resolved, and that Jupiter’s four largest moons could be seen.
As Skyscrapers had been to this school for several years, our contribution to the program was very much appreciated, and we were each given a 3D printed lantern, along with a note of thank you and the date for next year: November 14th, 2024.