River Bend Farm, November 2023

River Bend Farm, November 2023

by Francine Jackson

Friday’s November 24th star party was one of the coldest and windiest of the season at River Bend, Uxbridge. Bob Janus, John Kicur, Jim Hendrickson and Francine Jackson set up their telescopes at the top of the hill at 6:00 P.M., and began with Saturn, Jupiter and the Moon, then continued to Vega and the double-double, Uranus, the Pleiades, M92, Alcor and Mizar, and the Coathanger. Sherine, the new ranger in charge, stayed for over an hour to keep the building open for those who needed to warm themselves up.

Over a dozen hardy guests came, including Mike, a frequent local visitor, who, with Bob, located M31, the Milky Way, and Albireo, before we decided to break down at 7:45.

Already we’re looking forward to another set of observing nights for 2024, and will announce the dates soon.