November 2020 President’s message

November 2020 President’s message

by Steve Siok

Well, AstroAssembly is behind us! And I want to congratulate and thank all Skyscrapers who helped and attended. It went off without a hitch. We had three interesting speakers all dealing with imaging, probably the most up and coming area of interest to amateur astronomers these days. The combination of photography and image processing on home computers is attracting lots of people, especially younger ones, which is great for attracting younger folks to our society. I hope you all enjoyed the talks and remember that they are available to see again at home I you want to review any aspects of the presentations. 

I want to especially thank the committee that arranged the afternoon’s festivities. Thank you to Ian and Steve Hubbard for getting our speakers. Thank you to Linda for all the upfront planning, publicity and shepherding the attendees. Thank you to Laura for being our ZOOM administrator for the event. Thank you to Jimmy for publicity on the web site and in the Skyscraper as well as managing the Astrophoto contest. Thank you to Jim Crawford editing the recordings of the talks. And thank you to Kathy for doing everything I am incapable of doing!

I also want to thank all the attendees who graciously donated money above the requested donation. We made quite a bit of money as compared to a normal AstroAssenbly, without all the extra work hosting it in person at Seagrave. Now, I am not advocating we should do this again. I want next year to be normal! 

So again, thank you one and all.